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Helpful Tips For Traveling with a Toddler on a Plane Checklist

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Flying with a one year old on your lap can be difficult any time but flying during a pandemic is even tougher. Here are some helpful travel tips for traveling with a toddler on a plane and a travel checklist.

The first time traveling with our toddler we were so stressed out, because we would be flying with our almost 18 month old on our lap, during flu season, at the beginning of the pandemic. The second time we traveled with our toddler on a plane we purchased a ticket so she could sit in her carseat. 

It’s important to know that Children under 2 are FREE if they sit on your lap with most airlines.

If you have the choice I recommend paying extra to fly during your toddlers nap time it was 100% WORTH IT! 

On our first flight our one-year-old napped on take off, both ways, which gave us time to watch Netflix while she slept. When she woke up I nursed her and she was a happy camper. 

I suggest being at the airport at least 1.5 hours early giving you enough time to check your bags and get through security and reach your gate.

Even though our daughter flew for free we had to get her a ticket at each airport when we checked our bags. Make sure you do this when you get to the airport. You can’t go through security without having a ticket for your child.

Here are some more important tips for traveling with a toddler on a plane:

Flying with a one year old

Time Zone and Daylight Savings

California is 2 hours behind Texas. At first we tried to keep our daughters schedule the same but eventually she adjusted to the new timezone. 

When traveling out of state, internationally, or during daylight savings make sure you are prepared for the time change. 

Carseat, Carrier, or Stroller?

The first time we traveled my sister-in-law had a carseat waiting for us. If you don’t want to pay for a plane ticket for your baby or child to sit in their carseat you can check your carseat at the gate. You can also rent a car with a carseat.

We were so glad we decided to bring our stroller. You can bring your stroller on the plane as long as it folds up. It was so easy to push her around in the stroller rather than carrying her or letting her walk around the airport.

We brought our carrier and used it to walk through the plane.   If your baby is smaller or younger, and your back can handle the weight, I suggest wearing your baby instead of taking the stroller.

Set an alarm on your phone for the boarding time. Adults with children under 2 get priority boarding.

Amazon Prime

If you’re traveling to visit family or friends you can use Amazon Prime have diapers, wipes, and other essentials shipped to their home within 2 days on most items.

We used Amazon Prime to ship diapers and new clothes to my parents house to save room in our suitcase. Do this will also save you time and a trip to the store. 

Sleeping Arrangement

Unless you co-sleep you need to make sleeping arrangements for your one-year-old.

Most hotels have cribs you can use. If not or if you’re not staying at a hotel you can bring a pack n play/ portable crib. If you don’t have one you can ask friends or family if you can use their pack n play. You can also order a portable crib/playyard to be from Amazon Prime and have it shipped to your destination or order a one from the local Target using the drive up option. They will bring it to your car so you don’t have to go in the store.

Ear Pressure

Fortunately our daughter did not seem to have any pain in her ears. Some babies and children have pressure in their ears during take off and landing. If this happens to your child it is recommended to have your little one drink from their bottle/sippy cup, use a pacifier, or breastfeed during these times to prevent or relieve ear pain.

Don’t Be Embarrassed

There was a toddler on the back of the plane who was screaming for his life during landing. We felt so bad for him he seemed to have pain in his ears because he was holding them while he was screaming. His mother was covering his mouth with a paper towel telling him to be quiet because she seemed to be embarrassed. 

Instead of worrying about what other people think focus on keeping your baby or child calm and making them comfortable. They don’t understand what is happening. If they are loud it could be because they are scared or in pain. 

Toddler Diaper Bag Checklist

  • 1 Outfit
  • 1 Pair of Socks
  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Toddler Cup
  • Silicone Plate
  • Books
  • Old Toys
  • New Toy
  • Lovey/ Stuffed animal
  • Pacifier (If still using one)
  • Sanitizing Wipes

Toddler Travel Checklist

I hope you found these tips for traveling with a toddler helpful. I want to hear from you! Leave your toddler travel questions, stories, and tips in the comments.


My name is Brittany. I am a wife, girl mom, and small business owner passionate about guiding new moms from pregnancy through motherhood with the knowledge and tips I learned along the way. I share mom hacks, baby tips, recipes for moms on a budget!



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